the community colleges network is a 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 affinity network dedicated to preparing community college students to be informed, active, and mobilized leaders in our democracy. we believe preparing students for democracy and preparing them for the workforce, careers, and continued education are mutually reinforcing.

community colleges are central to 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 ’s mission of ensuring that higher education is contributing to the health and strength of our democracy. community colleges enroll nearly half of all students and play a disproportionate role in educating students from communities that face exclusion, as well as first-generation students from all backgrounds.

join the community colleges network monthly meetings

join colleagues from across the country to discuss topics of mutual interest, ask questions, provide feedback, and help guide 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 's community college work.


introducing college renaissance corps

college renaissance corps (crcorps) is a new national service program from 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 focused on leveraging the power of community colleges to enhance educational and economic mobility in historically underserved communities.

learn more

meet the 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 community colleges network fellows

deanna villanueva-saucedo

associate vice chancellor for the center of excellence in inclusive democracy, maricopa community colleges

lena jones

professor of political science at minneapolis community & technical college

coming soon!

lena jones, one of 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 's community colleges network fellows, will release a publication "as the dust settles: a snapshot of civic and community engagement at community colleges 2022-23" in september 2023. 

community college resources