the richard guarasci and eduardo j. padrón awards for institutional transformation recognize institutions that are anchored by a team that advances civic and community engagement across teaching, research, and practice. the awards are named for richard guarasci and eduardo j. padrón, higher education leaders whose efforts have transformed their institutions to contribute to the goal of full participation in our communities and our democracy.

the teams driving institutional transformation may be gathered in a center, an interdisciplinary committee, a campus-wide network, or a unit. they may be made up of campus executives, administrative staff, and/or faculty. this award recognizes institutional transformation by highlighting those teams leading the charge.

through these awards, 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 will recognize member institutions that have undertaken comprehensive, planned efforts to advance the values articulated in our 30th anniversary action statement of presidents and chancellors. these values include a commitment to prepare students for lives of engaged citizenship, to embrace place-based responsibilities to contribute to the health and strength of our communities, to use the full capacity of the institution to challenge social and economic inequalities that threaten our democratic future, and to undertake this work through mutually respectful partnerships.

the guarasci and padrón awards are now open to teams who drive institutional transformation. teams nominated for the award may be gathered in a center, an interdisciplinary committee, a campus-wide network, or a unit.

nominations & recipients

nominations & selections

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person holding stacks of paper
james madison university campus


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