
this second cohort of 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 fellows is composed of practitioners, scholars, and field leaders who will advance 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 ’s work in key areas.
announcing the 2023-2024 卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 fellows
announcement /
collage of 2023-2024 fellows headshots
seeking applications for the mid-career community engagement professional cohort of the engaged scholars initiative
opportunity /
person writes on flip chart at front of classroom
apply for the cogen challenge to advance economic opportunity
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common cause: equity and anti-racist community engagement
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blm protesters
卡塔尔vs厄瓜多尔亚盘 welcomes new students to the newman civic fellowship
press releases /
collage of newman civic fellows